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Spotlight Speaker

MACE 2025 Spotlight Speaker; TBA

Previous MACE Spotlight Speakers

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Cyrena Kellogg 

I have been teaching for 25 years in the public school setting. I moved to teaching tech 10 years ago and it has been a roller coaster. I believe that every day is a new chance to bring new ideas into an ever-changing world and I would like to connect kids with the concepts of grit, creativity, and exploration. But mainly my students teach me and flat out make me laugh.

avatar for Jennifer Mahin

Jennifer Mahan on Twitter (X)

When I think of in-demand skills, I think of skills that will prepare students for their future outside of the classroom. Computer science skills are high on that list for me since 71 percent of all US jobs require digital skills. Computer skills, in general, should be something educators focus on helping students develop from a young age. Another valued skill would be communication. Being able to effectively work with people is definitely a top skill for many careers. I also believe students should learn how to be problem solvers and think quickly on their feet. 

“Eduporium’s STEM Spotlight: Jennifer Mahin.” Eduporium Blog, 2 Sept. 2021, 

avatar for Dyane Smokorowski

Dyane Smokorowski on Twitter (X)

Dyane Smokorowski is a 2019 National Teachers Hall of Fame Inductee and 2013 Kansas Teacher of the Year. Mrs. Smoke, as she’s known to her students, believes in a project-based, student-centered classroom that helps students build skills in communication, planning, research, and project implementation. Additionally, Dyane thrives on the mission to create active and engaging teacher-professional learning opportunities. She wants her students and teachers to develop a love for innovation, communication, and technology, but also to understand how to use that love and passion to advance their futures, as well as that of the global community.