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Policies & Procedures

MACE Board Operations


  1. The Executive Director shall prepare and present an income and expenses report for the Board at the summer board meeting. A status report will also be presented to the Board at the spring meeting.
  2. With the consultation of the Executive Board and the Executive Director, the conference chair(s) shall prepare a general budget for each MACE conference.
  3. The Board shall yearly approve the purchase of “theft (embezzlement)” coverage insurance on the Secretary and Executive Director.
  4. The Secretary and the Executive Director shall be the designated check signers.
  5. All expenses shall be paid by the Executive Director when appropriate documentation is provided.

Board Meetings

  1. Board members are expected to notify the Executive Director and President at least four (4) weeks prior to a conference or retreat if they cannot attend.
  2. The President shall create and distribute an agenda for all Board meetings.
  3. Any Board member who misses two consecutive regularly scheduled MACE board meetings or conferences without prior communication shall be expected to resign from the Board.
  4. At the request of the President, the Executive Director shall make arrangements for meetings of the Board. Members shall be notified as to date and time of upcoming Board meetings.
  5. MACE shall reimburse (with appropriate documentation) mileage, lodging, and meals for Board members when attending MACE sponsored meetings (including Spring and Summer MACE Conferences, the KSTL conference, and other events as approved by the MACE President).


Board Nominations

  1. A Nominations committee (chaired by the Past-President) shall prepare in advance a written slate of candidates for all necessary MACE board positions to be voted upon at the Annual Meeting. This annual meeting is held during the Spring MACE conference.
  2. Mentors from the Board shall be assigned to new members.

MACE Services – Web page

  1. The Board shall provide funding as needed each year for the website services and equipment.


  1. The Executive Director shall make all Board member room reservations for conferences and meetings.
  2. Name badges for Board members shall be purchased by Executive Director.



At all stages, the conference chair(s) and Board members shall work with the President and Executive Board to ensure continuity, appropriateness of actions, etc.


  1. The Registrar (or other event designee) is responsible for collecting all checks related to conferences (or other sponsored activities) and forwarding those checks to the Executive Director. All deposits collected from a conference shall be handled by the Executive Director. Reimbursement shall be made only with appropriate receipts.
  2. Registration costs – pre conference and on-site – shall be determined by the Board with input from the conference chair(s). The Board shall determine refund policies.
  3. Conference chairs may allocate funds within the budgeted amount in consultation with the President and Executive Director.
  4. Conference chairs shall prepare a general budget for each MACE conference.



  1. A presenter is defined as a person who supplies and delivers content in a session during a MACE sponsored event.
  2. One presenter per session shall receive a free conference registration. 
  3. Presenters shall be asked to bring their own handouts (without reimbursement) and/or to provide a digital copy or link for the MACE website. Extras from each session may be put at a designated table for distribution.
  4. Presenters shall be notified via e-mail and confirmation requested. A phone call follow-up may be made if necessary.
  5. Presenters are to provide legal copies of software they are using for installation on devices. The proposal form for presenters shall clearly state what MACE shall provide for their use. Presenters are responsible for installing their software and/or working with technicians to install their software.
  6. The Board member(s) or planning committee member(s) who are scheduling sessions shall compile a list of requests from presenters. This list shall be shared with Board, planning committee, and others who may need knowledge of this information.


  1. The conference chair(s) shall be responsible for coordinating hardware and software needs for the conference.
  2. Equipment needs shall be based on proposals submitted. Presenters shall be encouraged to provide equipment needed for their presentation. The conference chair(s) and planning committee shall work with vendors, school districts, and others to provide equipment for rooms. The conference chair(s) and planning committee shall assist presenters with their needs, but may elect not to use a presenter due to excessive needs.
  3. Per approval by conference chair, one (1) free conference registration is provided for every two (2) computers or one projector furnished.
  4. A designated Board member shall store, transport, and set up equipment owned by MACE such as extension cords, electrical plugs, etc.
  5. Internet access for vendors shall be determined for each site by the conference chair(s) and vendor contact coordinator.

Conference Design and Planning

  1. Planning meetings may be held at a designated site and/or via video conference. Video conference dates shall be set by the conference chair(s) and/or President. Materials needed for the planning of a conference shall be sent to appropriate Board members prior to this meeting by the conference chair(s) or designee.
  2. Conference planning committee members shall be reimbursed by request, but must be pre-approved by the MACE President.
  3. Selection of presentation proposals shall be made by the conference chair(s) and planning committee.
  4. The conference chair(s) and planning committee shall determine room assignments for presenters. In assigning presentation rooms, care shall be given to assign presenters to rooms with the appropriate software previously installed on the computers.
  5. The conference chair(s) and planning committee shall work with the host site to determine room layout and equipment needs.
  6. Repeat of presentation sessions is highly encouraged.
  7. Preparation of the conference brochure is the responsibility of the conference chair(s) and planning committee.
  8. Advertising for the conference is the responsibility of the conference chair(s), Board, and planning committee.
  9. The conference chair(s) and planning committee shall arrange for conference food.


  1. A vendor is defined as an individual or group that promotes or exchanges goods or services for money.
  2. Vendors cannot be elected to or serve as a member of the MACE Board.
  3. Vendor fees (and any designated perks) shall be approved by the conference chair(s) and planning committee, with the guidance of the President and the Executive Board.
  4. A vendor communication shall be developed and sent out to solicit vendors, and shall be shared with members of the Board and planning committee. The communication shall include information on perks and a presentation form with due date.
  5. A follow-up communication shall be sent to vendors who are attending MACE. This shall include specific information such as set up times and shipping information.
  6. Shipping of materials to the host site shall be coordinated by the conference chair(s) and designee from the host site.
  7. Vendors who make scheduled presentations must provide session information and these sessions shall be identified as such in the brochure.
  8. The vendor area (booth layout) shall be designed by the designated Board member.
  9. All Board member(s) and a designee from the planning committee shall solicit vendors.
  10. Vendors shall provide the names of recipients for giveaways to be posted in the registration area. Vendors shall be responsible for delivery of their items to the selected winner.

Keynote and Featured Speakers

  1. Keynote and Featured Speakers shall be arranged for by the conference chair(s) and planning committee. Board members are encouraged to submit names of possible speakers and their contact information.



  1. Shirts for Board members, planning committee, and others shall be determined by the conference chair(s) and planning committee.
  2. Bags and other giveaways shall be determined by the planning committee and Board.
  3. The President, working with the conference chair(s), planning committee, and Board, shall determine insurance needs for conferences. This coverage shall include liability for personal injury and for loss of equipment and shall be reviewed annually.
  4. Conference security shall be arranged by the conference chair(s) and planning committee as necessary.​