Those who served to lead this organization during the decade of 1990...
BOD 10 - July 1, 1990 to June 30, 1991 | |
President: | Wilda Pentola* |
Don Nigus | |
President Elect: | Linda Hyler |
Past President: | Don Nigus |
Craig Haugsness | |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Stan Creitz |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Bob Gast | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Ron Swenson | |
John Wolverton | |
Willis Crabtree | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
* Wilda resigned from the board |
BOD 11 - July 1, 1991 to June 30, 1992 | |
President: | Linda Hyler |
President Elect: | Bonnie Lenhart |
Past President: | Don Nigus |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Stan Creitz |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Bob Gast | |
Ron Swenson | |
Willis Crabtree | |
John Wolverton | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 12 - July 1, 1992 to June 30, 1993 | |
President: | Bonnie Lenhart |
President Elect: | Willis Crabtree |
Past President: | Linda Hyler |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Stan Creitz |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Bob Gast | |
Ron Swenson | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Don Nigus | |
Kathy Dale | |
Steve McDermeit | |
Doug VanderLinden | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 13 - July 1, 1993 to June 30, 1994 | |
President: | Willis Crabtree |
President Elect: | Bob Gast |
Past President: | Bonnie Lenhart |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Stan Creitz |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Candi Cheney | |
Ron Swenson | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Don Nigus | |
Kathy Dale | |
Steve McDermeit | |
Doug VanderLinden | |
Consultant: | Lynn Gifford |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 14 - July 1, 1994 to June 30, 1995 | |
President: | Bob Gast |
President Elect: | Ron Swenson |
Past President: | Willis Crabtree |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Candi Cheney |
Stan Creitz | |
Kathy Dale | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Lynn Gifford | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Linda Hyler | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Don Nigus | |
Doug VanderLinden | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 15 - July 1, 1995 to June 30, 1996 | |
President: | Ron Swenson |
President Elect: | Dick Fogliasso |
Past President: | Bob Gast |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Candi Cheney |
Willis Crabtree | |
Stan Creitz | |
Kathy Dale | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Lynn Gifford | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Linda Hyler | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Don Nigus | |
Doug VanderLinden | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 16 - July 1, 1996 to June 30, 1997 | |
President: | Dick Fogliasso |
President Elect: | Doug Vander Linden |
Past President: | Ron Swenson |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Alan Aagaard |
Candi Cheney | |
Willis Crabtree | |
Stan Creitz | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Bob Gast | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Linda Hyler | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Don Nigus | |
Steve Schuler | |
Consultants: | Kathy Dale |
Eldon Chlumsky | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 17 - July 1, 1997 to June 30, 1998 | |
President: | Doug Vander Linden |
President Elect: | Linda Hyler |
Past President: | Dick Fogliasso |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Alan Aagaard |
Candi Cheney | |
Willis Crabtree | |
Stan Creitz | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Bob Gast | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Steve Schuler | |
Ron Swenson | |
Consultant: | Eldon Chlumsky |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
BOD 18 - July 1, 1998 to June 30, 1999 | |
President: | Linda Hyler |
President Elect: | Steve Schuler |
Past President: | Doug Vander Linden |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Alan Aagaard |
Candi Cheney | |
Eldon Chlumsky | |
Stan Creitz | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Bob Gast | |
Craig Haugsness | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Karla Murray | |
Ron Swenson | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
Peggy Waters |
BOD 19 - July 1, 1999 to June 30, 2000 | |
President: | Steve Schuler |
President Elect: | Craig Haugsness |
Past President: | Linda Hyler |
Executive Director: | Wilbur Dorsey |
Secretary: | Jim Wenger |
Members of the Board: | Alan Aagaard |
Candi Cheney | |
Eldon Chlumsky | |
Stan Creitz | |
Marilyn Ewing | |
Dick Fogliasso | |
Bob Gast | |
Bonnie Lenhart | |
Ron Swenson | |
Consultants: | Karla Murray |
Lee Bevan | |
Tanya Gray | |
Administrative Support: | Ellen Underhill |
Peggy Waters |